After your fiance visa petition is approved by the USCIS in the United States, it is forwarded to the US embassy for final processing.
Generally, the US embassy will contact your fiance when his or her case file is received, a case number is assigned, and the embassy is ready to proceed.
Consular processing from your perspective consists of gathering the original (and copy) of required supporting documents; preparing and submitting the Department of State application forms along with the requested documents; paying the visa and medical examination fees; attending the medical examination; and finally, attending the consular interview.
The steps required differ from country to country.
Please find the consular processing package and procedures from the US embassy in Guangzhou which is in charge of all fiance visa cases for China. I try to keep this information as current as possible, but you should always check with the U.S. embassy web site for the most up-to-date information.
Immigrant Visa Section
U. S. Consulate General, Guangzhou
Mailing Address: No. 1 South Shamian Street, Guangzhou, China 510133
Consular Office Location: 5th floor,2nd annex of Tianyu Garden,
136-142, Linhe Zhong Rd., Guangzhou
K Visa Instructions
This is the instruction packet for your K visa application. Please read all the instructions below prior to attending your visa interview at the Consulate.
Prepare the necessary forms and documents that pertain to you on the following checklist. Make sure you have the original version of the documents with you to submit at your visa interview. Do not send any documents to the Consulate unless you are advised to do so. Please note that a consular official may need further information or documents, in order to determine your eligibility, at any time.
- DS-160 form (Online Nonimmigrant Visa Application): You must complete and submit the DS-160 form online and have a print-out of the confirmation page in your possession
- PASSPORTS: Each applicant must have a passport that will be valid for travel to the United States for at least 8 months beyond the visa issuance date. Also, if you have any expired or cancelled passports, please bring them to the interview.
- PHOTOGRAPHS: Two 2 inches square (roughly 50 mm square) unmounted full-face color photographs with white background. All applicants must submit photos, regardless of age. Please stick your photos onto your DS-156 forms.
- BIRTH CERTIFICATES: Each applicant must have one certified copy of his/her birth certificate. Applicants born in the People’s Republic of China must have a birth certificate issued by a local notary public office. The certificate must state the date, place of birth and names of both parents (if deceased, so state). The certificate must also indicate that the public office extracted the information from official records. If someone adopted any of the applicants, that applicant must submit a certified copy of the final adoption decree. Photocopies are acceptable provided the applicant provides the original for inspection by the consular officer.
- MARITAL STATUS CERTIFICATES: If an applicant was previously married, please provide proof of termination of those marriages (e.g. death certificate of spouse, final decree of divorce or annulment). K3 visa applicants are required to present a certified copy of their marriage certificate. Applicants who have married in the People’s Republic of China must have a marriage certificate issued by a local notary public office.
- POLICE CERTIFICATES: The term “police certificate” as used in this paragraph means a certification by appropriate police authorities stating what their records show concerning each applicant, including all arrests, the reasons for the arrests, and the disposition of each case of which there is a record. Police certificates are valid for one year. Persons should apply for a certificate of no criminal record at the local Public Security Bureau (PSB) (or through certain types of employers such as state owned enterprises), then make application to the notary office for a certificate based on the PSB document. Each applicant aged 16 years or older must submit a police certificate from (1) the police authorities of each locality of the country of the applicant’s nationality, (2) current residence where the applicant had resided for at least six months since attaining the age of sixteen, (3) from all countries where the applicant has resided for at least one year, and (4) from the police authorities of any place where the applicant has been arrested for any reason, regardless of how long he or she lived there. (Some applicants will submit multiple certificates and some only one depending on his or her situation.) Police certificates must cover the entire period of the applicant’s residence in any area. A certificate issued by the police authorities where applicants now reside must be of recent date when presented to the consular officer. Check the reciprocity schedule at for police certificate requirements for various countries.
- MEDICAL EXAMINATION: Once scheduled for a visa interview, all applicants regardless of age must complete a medical exam and vaccination(s) with one of our designated panel physicians. Medical examinations conducted elsewhere will not be accepted. The medical examination forms will be generated and completed by the panel physician during the exam. The medical examination must be done at least two weeks prior to your visa interview appointment date. Each person who is examined must present his or her own passport and five visa photographs at the time of the exam. Once the medical exam is completed, you will receive a sealed medical report. DO NOT open the envelope as you must bring the sealed medical report to your visa interview. The validity of your visa is tied to your medical exam’s validity. Additional information is provided in the attached medical examination and vaccination instructions.
NOTE: You are not permitted to undergo a medical exam unless an interview is scheduled.
- COURT AND PRISON RECORDS: Applicants who have been convicted of a crime in any jurisdiction must obtain a certified copy of each court record and of any prison record, regardless of the fact they may have benefited subsequently from an amnesty, pardon, or other act of clemency.
- MILITARY RECORDS: The Consulate requires a certified copy of any military records, if applicable and obtainable.
- AFFIDAVIT OF SUPPORT (I-134) AND EVIDENCE OF INCOME: The Consulate requires evidence that demonstrates that you and the members of your family who will accompany you are not likely to become public charges after immigrating to the United States. Please submit Form I-134 signed by your petitioner. The form should be accompanied by evidence of sustained income or financial resources, such as his/her most recent tax return. If the petitioner’s income does not meet the poverty income guidelines, you may submit an I-134 signed by a joint sponsor along with his/her most recent tax return and proof of U.S. citizenship or legal permanent resident status. Even if you submit this documentation, a consular official may at any time require additional evidence to determine your eligibility. The form I-134 is available on the USCIS website (
- EVIDENCE OF RELATIONSHIP: The visa applicant is required to provide evidence of his/her relationship with the petitioner. Evidence of a relationship typically includes, but is not limited to, photographs taken with the petitioner, phone records, letters, money transmittal records, household registration, and school records.
- RESUME: Provide a detailed resume (in both Chinese and English), including all professional and educational history. Please be sure to include the following information:
- A complete list of all of your employers and all specific job responsibilities and projects
- Any publications you have written. Note titles, descriptions and dates of all publications. Be as comprehensive as possible
- A list of all foreign destinations visited, including dates and purpose of travel.
- A work plan explaining where the applicant(s) will seek employment after immigrating to the United States.
- VISA EXTENSION NOTICE: Applicants who have traveled to the United States and applied for visa extension(s) should bring copies of extension application(s) and approval notice(s)
- RECORDS OF PREVIOUS IMMIGRATION PROCEEDINGS: If you have previously been ordered removed from the United States or if you have been the subject of any other immigration proceedings, please bring copies of any records you have of those proceedings.
- TRANSLATIONS: All documents not in English must be accompanied by certified English translations. A competent translator must certify the translation and swear to the accuracy of the document before a notary public
- VISA APPLICATION FEE: All K nonimmigrant visa applicants must pay a non-refundable application fee prior to scheduling the visa interview appointment. Please follow the instructions on website to pay the visa fee. For more information regarding visa fees, please refer to State Department’s website.
Reminder: If you are successful in receiving a K1/K2 visa, be aware that a K1/K2 visa is a single-entry visa. This means if an applicant enters the United States using this visa and then leaves the United States before acquiring immigrant status, he or she will not be able to return to the United States using that visa. The U.S. government will require that person to reapply for a new visa.
Note: If you and your child (ren) are not traveling together to the U.S., please inform the consular staff when your documents are being checked at the beginning of your interview appointment.
No guarantee:
The Consulate cannot guarantee any applicant will receive a visa. Decisions are based on many factors. Even if the Consulate determines you are eligible for a visa, issuance can be delayed for a variety of reasons. You are STRONGLY ADVISED against giving up your job, disposing of property, or buying plane tickets until you actually receive your visa. If your visa is approved, you will be provided information on visa delivery. The validity of your visa is tied to your medical exam’s validity. You must travel and apply for admission to the United States within your visa validity.
Potential cancellation of application:
If you miss your scheduled interview date (see appointment letter), you need to contact us through our email web-form at our web site. Failure to apply for your immigrant visa within one year of being notified that you may apply may result in the permanent termination of your case pursuant to section 203(g) of the Immigration and Nationality act.
Contact us:
Information regarding the visa process is available at, a website maintained by our authorized partner CGI Stanley. Contact us if you wish to postpone your case or report any change in your application through our email web-form at our web site. Do not make arrangements to depart China, dispose of your property, give up your job or sell your business until after you receive a visa.
The U.S. Consulate General does not endorse or have a “special relationship” with any individual or business that offers advice or assistance with the visa process. No one can guarantee the issuance of a visa to you. The only U.S. consular office that will be handling your case is located at the address at the top of this form. All U.S. government forms are available free of charge. Beware: Many visa applicants lose money or are permanently barred from the United States as a result of misleading information and fraudulent applications provided by visa consultants.
Medical Examination and Vaccination Instructions
Now that you are scheduled for an immigrant/K visa interview, you should make arrangements to undergo your medical examination and obtain certain vaccinations. All immigrant and K visa applicants, regardless of age must have a medical examination. United States immigration law also requires immigrant visa applicants to obtain certain vaccinations (listed below) prior to the issuance of an immigrant visa.
You should arrange to undergo your medical examination at one of the designated panel physicians indicated below. Medical examinations conducted elsewhere will not be accepted. The medical examination forms will be generated and completed by the panel physician during the exam. You must go to the designated panel physician to have your examination at least two weeks before your visa interview appointment date. Each person who is examined must present his or her own passport and five visa photographs at the time of the exam. Once the medical exam is completed, you will receive a sealed medical report. DO NOT open the envelope as you must bring the sealed medical report to your visa interview. NOTE: You are not permitted to undergo a medical exam unless an interview is scheduled. The validity of your visa is tied to your medical exam’s validity.
Panel physicians who conduct medical examinations of immigrant and K visa applicants are required to verify that applicants have met certain vaccination requirement, or that it is medically inappropriate for an applicant to receive one or more of the following vaccinations: DT/DTP/DTaP, Td, Polio (OPV/IPV), Measles (or MR or MMR), Mumps (or MMR), Rubella (or MR or MMR), Rotavirus, Hib (Haemophilus Influenzae Type B), Hepatitis A, Hepatitis B, Meningococcal, Varicella, Pneumococcal, Influenza. If you have already received some or all of the required vaccinations, you should bring your previous vaccination records with you to your medical exam for verification and transfer to your international vaccination record. Physicians at the panel sites listed below can determine which of the listed vaccinations are medically appropriate for you, given your age, medical history, and current medical condition. Only vaccinations verified or administered at the panel sites listed below will be accepted by the Consulate.
Health Care Center of Guangdong International Travel
Add: 5/F East Tower, Poly Bld, No. 59 Huali Road, Zhujiang
New City, Guangzhou Tel: (020) 81219500 or 81219513
Basic medical examination fee: RMB900 for adult, RMB500 for child
Fujian Provincial Hospital
No.134 Dongjie, Fuzhou, Fujian
Tel: (0591) 87557768-8050 or 8065 (for appointment)
(0591) 87858037
Basic medical examination fee: RMB1200 for adult, RMB800 for child
Shanghai International Travel Medical Center
2F. Bld 3,No. 15 Jin Bang Road, Shanghai
Tel: (021)62699006/62697117
Basic medical examination fee: RMB1100 for adult, RMB640 for child
Beijing International Travel Healthcare Center
No.20 Hepingli North Street, Dongcheng District, Beijing
Tel: (010) 58648801
Basic medical examination fee: RMB880 for adult, RMB600 for child